
No safety issues for foreign nationals or tourists in Maldives

The Government of the Maldives has assured that to its development partners and the international community that there are no safety issues for foreign nationals working in the country, as well as those visiting the Maldives as tourists.

Furthermore, the Government of Maldives reiterated its firm commitment to uphold and abide by the ruling of the Supreme Court. Emphasising that the ruling of the Supreme Court involves a number of legal procedural issues, the administration confirmed that all concerned national authorities are currently working in unison towards compliance. In this regard, it stated that the Prosecutor General will submit each case to the Supreme Court to clarify the issues identified and for guidance and direction.

Government of Maldives called on to remain united and to work together with patience to ensure national security, peace, stability and safety of its people at this time of great national significance. The government stressed that it will continue to work towards strengthening the democratic system of the country and ensure that all services to its people and as well as all ongoing development projects are implemented without any interruptions.