
CMA successfully concludes first Maldives Marketers' Forum

Corporate Maldives Academy has successfully concluded the first Maldives Marketers' Forum with more than 200 participants attending the event.

The Business School Auditorium of Maldives National University was a packed house and participants were taken through an amazing journey of origin and evolution of advertising to successful strategy development and execution.

The event commenced with a speech of CEO of Corporate Maldives Academy (CMA), Ilyas Haneef who mentioned the academy would start its full-fledged operation from the first week of March. He also went on to mention the launch of Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) in the Maldives, launch of website and proposed consultancy services in the Maldives.

CEO of Think Maldives presented the evolution of advertising in the Maldives starting from first newspaper advertisement to modern day digital advertisement. CMO of Dhiraagu Isabelle Hajri explained the complete re-branding process from concept to post launch.

Meanwhile, Niushad Shareef did an amazing presentation on Allied Insurance’s AGENT 1600 campaign and how it was successfully executed with supporting statistics.

Reputed international trainer Shanika Yoshini Kureshi explained the Role of Psychology for marketing and business and Neville Perera made the final presentation and guest speech on future marketing strategies and his experience in the industry.

All presenters were opened for a question and answer session with the audience to gain more information. The event concluded with a panel discussion with 4 industry experts, which was moderated by Business Development Manager of CMA Mohamed Roshan. The event was a huge success and participants left the forum with a high note after the networking and refreshment session.