
Gov't disappointed by opposition opting to sit out of sitting

The Government of the Maldives has expressed disappointment on the decision of the opposition Members of the Parliament opting to sit out of the Chambers at the extraordinary sitting held to deliberate on the President’s request to extend the declaration of State of Emergency.

The Government in its official statement noted that the disengagement of the opposition Members of the Parliament on deciding the issue of the State of Emergency will cripple the Parliament’s ability to decide on this issue adding that disengaging themselves from this debate of national significance will further deepen the current Constitutional crisis.

Moreover, the Government has called upon all Members of the Parliament to act responsibly as stated in Article 75 of the Constitution, that Members of Parliament should be guided in their actions by considerations of national interest and public welfare foremost, and should not exploit their official positions in any way for their own benefit or for the benefit of those with whom they have special relations. Article 75 further says Parliamentarians shall represent not only their constituencies but the country as a whole, and to act on their obligation to enable the Legislature to execute their Constitutional Mandate on the issue of the State of Emergency.