
MWSC to operate bottling factories in 2 islands within 2 months

Male' Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC) has revealed bottling factories established in Kulhudhuffushi Island and Dhuvaafaru Island will come into service within the next two months.

The construction of the bottling factory in Dhuvaafaru has been completed and added the company is now seeking interested parties to conduct the finishing of the factory, according to MWSC. The factory in Dhuvaafaru, which is an investment of about USD 1 million can produce up to 6,000 bottles per hour.

The bottling factories in Kulhudhuffushi and Dhuvaafaru will enable to provide affordable bottled water to the regions, according to Managing Director of MWSC Fazul Rasheed. He added the decentralisation of plants will create job opportunities and reduce the expense of transporting water.