
MPL to build and manage logistic warehouse in industrial village

Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure has contracted Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) for the construction and management of the logistic warehouse developed at Malé Industrial Village. The government decided to develop five structures to be used as warehouses and an additional structure for parking at the Malé Industrial Village. The five warehouses will be used as workshops and for other industrial work, in addition to storage.

Speaking at the function held to hand over the construction and management of the logistic warehouse developed in the Industrial Village to MPL, Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Dr. Mohamed Muizzu revealed that work on land reclamation, road construction and establishing water and sewerage systems at the Industrial Village are almost complete. Even though the completion of warehouses would take two years, the warehouses would be leased separately upon completion, noted the Housing Minister.

The Maldivian Housing Minister expressed that, when leasing out these warehouses, priority will be given for parties which carry out work using substances that could compromise public health and parties that have been operating on narrow roads. The ministry is working with MPL to set a criteria, he added.

Chief Executive Officer of MPL Ibrahim Abdul Razzaq Haleem revealed that construction will begin within the next two months.

The industrial village project involves extending the breakwater, reclaiming 6.9 hectares of land, and building garbage dumps. The main aim of developing an industrial village is to relocate industrial work to a non-residential area in order to minimise the potential risk on public health such work poses.