
Gloria Jean's Coffee opens its first outlet in Maldives

Australia's famous coffee brand, Gloria Jean's Coffee, has opened its first outlet in Maldives. The outlet opened at the water pavilion of Rasfannu was inaugurated by First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim.
Male' Water & Sewerage Company Private Limited (MWSC) was contracted to develop the 3-storey pavilion in 2016. With major hurdles, the development got delayed but has successfully completed the development of the water pavilion.
The administration has been successful in overpowering all the tactics by the opposition in hindering the development of the country, Minister of Economic Development Mohamed Saeed said addressing the inauguration ceremony. In this regard, Minister Saeed noted the current administration has been successful in bringing the maximum number of foreign investments to the country.
The first outlet to open at the pavilion is Gloria Jean's Coffees, which is a franchised specialty coffeehouse company that has opened more than 1,000 coffeehouses across 39 markets worldwide, including over 460 outlets in Australia.
The products from the outlet would be provided at a low price range, Massive Franchise Support Trainer from Retail Food Group Brad Smith said in an exclusive interview with PSM News. In this regard, he noted the products would provide a new taste for Maldivians who has been exposed to a limited variety of coffee products. With its inauguration, the outlet had an open house buffet opened for the public to taste some of its products.
The launch of such famous food franchises the locals expressed elatedness on the achievements the country has achieved in the past few years.