
Allied offers 20% discount to MACI members

Allied Insurance Company of the Maldives has announced it will grant a 20% discount on Allied Builders Insurance Policy to member companies of Maldives Association of Construction Industry (MACI). The announcement was made at Allied Builders Dinner hosted by Allied Insurance Company.
MACI can attain the discount for a period of one year, according to General Manager, Sales, of Allied Insurance Ibrahim Firushan. Allied Builders Insurance Policy was introduced commemorating the 33rd anniversary of the largest insurance firm in Maldives.
The policy has three attractive packages for the construction companies. In this regard, Builders Basic covers material damages along with third party damages, while Builders Basic Plus package covers group personal accidents in addition to material damages and third party damages. Meanwhile, Builders Premium package covers material damages, third party damages, group personal accidents as well as damages to construction equipment and machinery.