
Economic ministry to issue loans to enhance entertainment sector

Ministry of Economic Development has decided to issue loans to enhance the entertainment sector of Maldives.
In a statement, Public Service Media (PSM) revealed the decision of Economic Ministry to issue loans to individuals working in the entertainment sector to develop currently established personnel and to support individuals who want to build a career in the sector. The statement revealed discussions between PSM and Economic Ministry focused on creating internationally recognised movies, tourism related documentaries, creating awareness to develop content of relevance to the nation and developing skills.
Moreover, PSM said one main aim of issuing loans is to support youth seeking a career in the entertainment sector of Maldives. The state media added it came to an agreement with the Ministry to formalise the necessary documents and highlighted further details will be revealed in the coming days.
After taking over the management of the largest cinema complex in Maldives, PSM is working towards developing the cinema and enabling the best use of the complex to all citizens. The management of PSM also met with personnel of the film industry and stressed financial support would be provided to enhance the productions.
Furthermore, PSM has also cut down 50% from the previous set rates of Olympus cinema complex, as part of its effort to assist the entertainment sector of Maldives.