
Best approach in spreading Islam is the path of non-violence: Dr. Habash

Professor at the College of Law of Syria Dr. Mohamed Habash has stated the best approach in spreading the message of Islam is the right use of the tongue, heart, mind and proofs rather than opting for extreme actions.
Speaking on Maldives Today TV programme aired on PSM News, Dr. Mohamed Habash said Islam was created without bloodshed and it should continue in that manner.

Highlighting that Islam was created without bloodshed Professor at College of Law of Syria Dr. Mohamed Habash said the principle should be followed by all Muslims of this generations as well. In this regard, Dr. Mohamed Habash noted Islam has always followed the principle of tolerance.

Continuing on, former Syrian parliamentarian stated the best approach in spreading the message of Islam is the right use of the tongue, heart, mind and proof rather than opting for extreme actions. On this note, Dr. Mohamed Habash reiterated that Islam would prevail through peace and harmony.

Noting the importance of establishing the true principles of Sunnah in the modern world, Dr. Mohamed Habash noted Muslims should always co-exist with other people in a harmonious society. In this regard, Dr. Mohamed Habash noted the world being an open globe, it is the best time for Muslims to showcase strong faith and understanding to others.

The Professor has written 53 books on topics regarding Islam and tolerance. Dr. Mohamed Habash visited Maldives to participate in the high level seminar held on "Role of Moderation in Countering Terrorism and Promotion of Peace and Security." The seminar was organised under the collaborative effort of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Maldives National Defence Force, National Counter Terrorism Centre and Maldives Police Service.