
MACI unveils its annual report, passes budget for 2018

Maldives Association of Construction Industry (MACI) has unveiled its annual report the 16th annual gathering held at Champa Central Hotel. The budget and work strategies were finalised. MACI submitted a budget of over USD 83,500 for 2018, at the annual gathering of MACI.
Furthermore, votes were also taken amend the governing rules of the association. Numerous amendments were asked for vote at the meeting which includes the changing of the title of the association to Maldives National Association of Construction Industry which was passed by majority of the voters.
In addition, board members of MACI was also elected during the meeting, while current President Abdulla Mohamed was re-elected as the President for another term. Furthermore, 8 members for Executive Council were also elected in the meeting.
Founded in 2001, MACI is the standard bearer of the third largest industry in the Maldives. MACI aims to secure and sustain the interests of all the stakeholders of the Maldivian construction industry by organising as a national association which creates a platform for securing the wellbeing of this industry.