
Finance security must be kept at the highest regard: MMA

Governor of Maldives Monetary Authority Ahmed Naseer has stated finance security must be kept at the highest regard to pave way for smooth development of the country.
Maldives Pension Administration Office (MPAO), as the country's largest potential institutional investor, sees the development of the financial sector and financial literacy as a key imperative to achieve its strategic intent and objectives, MMA Governor Ahmed Naseer noted addressing the opening ceremony of Maldives Finance Forum 2018. In this regard, Governor Ahmed Naseer said with major investments conducted, finance security must be kept at the highest regard in order to pave way for smooth development of the country.
Continuing on, Ahmed Naseer highlighted major hurdles are faced in providing appropriate pension to elderly people. Noting that within the next 35 years the number of elderly people would see an increase, he noted solutions to the current issues are crucial.
Productive discussions would be held during the Maldives Finance Forum 2018, Chairperson of MPAO Ibrahim Ahmed Naseer noted addressing the ceremony. He said the forum would identify institutional, legal and regulatory impediments for the development of the financial sector of Maldives.
Maldives Finance Forum brings together leaders from business, financial, political, academic and social protection sector to deliberate on issues promote views and share experiences for the development of financial sector of Maldives.
Maldives Finance Forum 2018 is held on The Role of Institutional Investors in Long-Term Financing for Growth and Development. The Maldives Finance Forum was launched in 2012, to enable a nationally acclaimed platform to deliberate on issues, promote views and share experiences for the development of the financial sector of Maldives. It has become a widely acclaimed event with overwhelmingly positive responses from stakeholders.