
MIFCO launches special promotion for Ramadan

Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) has launched a special promotion for Ramadan.
Every year, MIFCO launches a special promotion for customers to get the best deals on fish products during Ramadan. 10 lucky winners would stand the chance to win special prices during the promotion, according to the information provided by MIFCO. The company says it will hand over coupons until the end of Ramadan.
MIFCO revealed fish products were sold at a very low price last year, which had been maintained throughout the year. As a result, MIFCO said no discounted prices would be set by the company during Ramadan. In addition, the company also plans to launch a new line products depending on the demand of customers.
Furthermore, MIFCO assured fish products would be made available across the country and noted the company will be able to supply to the demands of the customers.