
Criminal Court sentences Chief Justice to 4 months and 24 days in prison

Criminal Court of Maldives has sentenced Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed to 4 months and 24 days in prison over the suspension of Government E-letter Management System (GEMS).
Following the interruption of GEMS, the government raised charges of the impediment of the functioning of the state on Abdulla Saeed. The charges raised against the Chief Justice include suspension of GEMS from February 1 to 4 to obstruct the Supreme Court from receiving any documents from the government. Witness testimonies proved Abdulla Saeed is guilty beyond reasonable doubt and noted the defence had not been able to produce evidence to the contrary, according to the verdict.
In accordance with a recent amendment to the Judges Act, the Chief Justice would automatically be removed from office, upon the conviction. The Judges Act says Judicial Service Commission must suspend the judge with salaries and allowances following a charge upon arrest and would be immediately removed from office if convicted.
Moreover, a convicted judge must file the first appeal within 10 days while first appellate court is given 30 days to make a sentence. The same time frame has been allocated to the Supreme Court as the last stage of appeal.