
MWSC introduces Hiyaa Housing scheme

Male' Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC) has introduced its housing scheme to all staffs of the company and opens applications for the flats. The MWSC housing scheme was inaugurated by Chairman of MWSC Ahmed Naseer and Managing Director of MWSC Ibrahim Fazul Rasheed. Staff of MWSC who are interested in the apartments can apply starting from May 14.
MWSC is constructing two 15-Storey residential units in Hulhumale’ Phase II, to provide affordable housing for the staff of the company, as part of the largest housing development project initiated in Maldives, Hiyaa. The MWSC housing towers consist of 184 one-bed room flats and 200 flats of two and three bedrooms. The first floor of the towers are planned to be developed as a recreational area with a vehicle parking zone.
The government has taken substantial action to solve the housing issues faced in Maldives and noted flexible arrangements will be made to ease the payment procedure for the flats, Managing Director Ibrahim Fazul Rasheed stated speaking at the ceremony. MWSC contracted the construction of the project to a China-based company and aims to complete the project within 2 years.
Hiyaa project is an initiative of President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom to provide affordable housing for the employees of state-owned enterprises.