
Youth Ministry provides projectors for various youth centres

Ministry of Youth and Sports has handed over projectors to 60 youth centres of Maldives as an Eid-ul-Fitr contribution. The Ministry has handed out projectors to several islands of Maldives to watch the FIFA World Cup 2018 and also provided gym equipment to various youth centres.
The Ministry has provided 90% of the equipment to a number of islands in order to implement the youth manifesto initiated by President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, Youth Minister Iruthisham Adam stated speaking with PSM News. The government has initiated different projects in order to fulfil the dreams and hopes of the youth, according to the Minister.
Furthermore, Minister Iruthisham said during the past 4 years, 24 youth centres has been opened and 11 more centres are on the edge of being opened.
The government has been developing sports arenas in various parts of the country. In this regard, 80 futsal courts have already been developed, while projects on 101 futsal courts are underway.