
PSM signs as media partner of SAYS 2018

Public Service Media (PSM) has signed as the media partner of second South Asian Youth Summit (SAYS), organised by International Youth Committee (IYC). Furthermore, Regional Alliance for Fostering Youth (RAFY) has signed as the non-governmental organisation representing Maldives at the summit.
At a ceremony held at the conference hall of Youth Centre to conclude the Maldives Youth Leaders Dialogue and Pre-Summit of SAYS, the agreement was signed by Chief Operating Officer of PSM Mohamed Saeed, Chairman of IYC Dr. K.K Singh and Executive Director of RAFY Ismail Rifau.
Speaking at the ceremony, Minister of Youth and Sports Iruthisham Adam expressed President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has achieved numerous milestones in terms of empowering youth.
South Asian Youth Summit 2018 is a call for action to contribute to the establishment of a permanent youth engagement mechanism that ensures consistent follow-up with young people and further boosts the participation and partnership in the implementation of the SDGs at national, regional and global levels.
The South Asian Youth Summit 2018 will take place in Colombo, Sri Lanka from September 17-20. The cross cutting theme of South Asian Youth Summit 2018 is Creating a Sustainable Future in a Fractured South Asia.