
President Yameen will secure at least 52% votes in election: PPM

Parliamentary group leader of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik has affirmed President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom will secure a second term in office with at least 52% of the votes cast in the upcoming presidential election.
In a tweet posted warning opposition candidates preparing to run for presidency, Ahmed Nihan with confidence asked to do the math in any way possible, asserting President Yameen will secure 52% of the votes.
In another tweet Nihan stated during the past 13 years, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has brought chaos to the country in the name of democracy. However, he mentioned that President Yameen has portrayed a good leadership against such actions, which resulted in rapid development of the country.
PPM has granted the presidential ticket to President Yameen to secure a second term in office and MDP has selected parliamentary group leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih as the presidential candidate.
The presidential election will be held on September 23, according to Elections Commission of Maldives.