
Religious scholars refute accusations of former president Nasheed against Dr. Shaheem

Religious scholars has refuted the tweet by former president Mohamed Nasheed saying the running mate of President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom supports extremist militants.
In this regard, opposition parties and religious individuals have also refuted the accusation of the former president against Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed. Meanwhile, President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom stated that it is clearly slander and urged to stop defamation acts for political gain.
Former President of Adhaalath Party Mauroof Hussain said Dr. Shaheem is a well-known and respected Islamic scholar around the world and that he testifies he has no links with any extremist militant group. Regarding the tweet, President of Jamiyyath Salaf Abdulla bin Mohamed Ibrahim said character assassination should not be pursued for political advantage and condemned the accusations made against Dr. Shaheem.
With appointment of Dr. Shaheem as the running mate of President Yameen, opposition parties have been spreading false statements to undermine his reputation.