
First batch of medical college to begin classes in September

Minister of Health Abdulla Nazim Ibrahim has revealed the first batch of the medical college established in Maldives will begin studies in September.
Two-storeys in Dharumavantha Hospital has been allocated for the medical college while efforts are underway to establish laboratories and other facilities, health minister Abdulla Nazim Ibrahim said speaking with PSM News about the medical college.
Some machinery and equipment required for the college have been brought to Maldives, the minister said, adding the purchase of more equipment is underway. The minister went on to reveal efforts have begun to compile a curriculum with the assistance of experts from universities in Malaysia, highlighting the organisational structure of the college has now been finalised.
Moreover, minister Nazim revealed the curriculum of the college will undergo a review process and will be finalised soon, affirming efforts to enrol the first batch of students is in progress to begin studies in September. Highlighting the medical college will revolutionise the health sector and the education sector simultaneously, the minister said fully funded scholarships will be provided for the first batch of students.
While the government of Pakistan has provided generous assistance in developing the medical college, the government of Maldives has revealed assistance and cooperation will be sought from other international medical facilities to ensure and maintain a quality education programme.
The government aims to overcome the biggest challenge faced in the health sector, by attaining better human resources, with the establishment of the medical college in Maldives.