
EC registers decisions drawn at MDP and JP congress

Elections Commission of Maldives has accepted and registered the changes brought to the party charter of Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) and Jumhooree Party (JP).
While MDP held its congress on June 30, the main change brought by MDP includes giving the power to the national council and the congress to appoint an individual as the presidential candidate. Moreover, according to the changes, if the individual is not able to participate in the election, the authority to appoint another individual also will be given to the congress.
JP held its congress on June 23 and in the congress, its council decided to open the post of its presidential position and vice presidential positions. In this regard, 4 vice presidents were appointed for the party.
According to the election commission, it was invited to monitor the process of the two congresses which were held according to the rules and regulations and revealed the changes brought to the charter of the two parties has been accepted and registered in the records.