
President conveys National Day felicitations to Egypt

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has conveyed greetings and good wishes of the 66th National Day of Egypt to the government and the brotherly people of Egypt.
In his message to President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, President Yameen expressed his hope and confidence the excellent bonds of friendship and cooperation between the Maldives and Egypt, based on common faith and values will be further strengthened and developed in the years to come.
In a separate message to Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli, President Yameen reiterated his firm resolve to work in concert to further deepen the close and stable bilateral ties between the two brotherly countries, in the good interest of the people of both countries.
The National Day of Egypt marks the anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, which led to the establishment of the modern-day independent republic.