
No other leader is capable to bring rapid development to Maldives: Economic Minister

Minister of Economic Development Mohamed Saeed has declared no other leader in Maldives, except President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, is capable in making such a small nation with few facilities available like Maldives, the fastest developing economy in the South Asia region.
Maldives has experienced the fastest development it has ever seen with President Yameen in office, Economic Minister Mohamed Saeed highlighted while addressing the ceremony held to inaugurate the Port Hiya Residence Initiation of Maldives Ports Limited (MPL).
Noting President Yameen exceeded state reserve to USD 50 million, which is an increase of 3%, the economic minister said, adding the GDP per capita of the country was also increased to USD 10,200 in the past four years. The economic minister advised the public to make the upcoming presidential election as a step to continue the economic development of the country.
Furthermore, the minister said the president did not serve in office to achieve a political agenda but to solve major issues faced by Maldivians. The minister expressed major objectives of the administration have been achieved in the past four years.