
Test flights at Maafaru airport to begin within this week

Regional Airports has revealed the operation of test flights at Maafaru Airport in Noonu Atoll will begin within this week.
The construction of the runway has been completed and efforts are underway to install lights on the runway, Director of Regional Airports Saamee Ageel stated speaking with PSM News. He revealed installing lights will conclude within the next two days, adding efforts to run test flights will commence this week.
The airport development project in Maafaru costs over USD 60 million and is funded by Abu Dhabi Fund for Development. The international standard airport in Maafaru will be developed with a 2.2 kilometre runway which can accommodate private jets and a modern VVIP complex developed as part of the project. Furthermore, a 50-room city hotel will also be built alongside the airport.
Noonu Atoll is famous for its natural beauty and has seen the development of high class resorts over the years.