
PPM accuses opposition of copying its manifesto

Progressive party of Maldives (PPM) has accused the opposition of using extracts from its manifesto during campaign activities. The ruling party made the statement during a press conference held to clarify the rumours spread by the opposition stating PPM is working to delay the presidential election.
In this regard, parliamentary group leader of PPM Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik stated while preparations are underway, the opposition does not have its own manifesto, adding a copy of the PPM manifesto is being used at opposition campaign activities. However, Nihan noted the opposition does not have a clear idea on how they will achieve the pledges. Nihan assured the public will refuse to trust the opposition as President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom is the only candidate who can effectively develop the entire country.
Meanwhile, deputy leader of PPM Abdul Raheem Abdulla reiterated the ruling party will always put forth nationalism and patriotism above all in achieving its objectives. In this regard, Abdul Raheem Abdulla revealed PPM will ensure the security, peace and stability of the nation while the opposition has been trying to cause chaos for years.