
Economic and development strategy of President hailed by bussinessmen

Prominent businessmen of Maldives has praised the economic and development strategy of President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom.
The development brought to the economy are praiseworthy, experts in tourism sector and business sector stated during the special panel discussion aired on PSM News named "My Nation, My Future". The panel discussion was participated by Mohamed Umar Manik, Hussain Afeef, Ahmed Nazeer, Mohamed Ali Janah and Ismail Asif.
The panellists expressed it is impossible to separate economy and development, adding to establish a strong economy it is crucial to bring infrastructure development. The economy has been shaped as a modern economic model under the leadership of President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, highlighted the panellists.
Moreover, they hailed the economic agenda of President Yameen expressing the development brought to Maldives are praised internationally. In addition, the panellists noted the efforts exerted by the government to build a better Maldives for the future generations.