
President conveys congratulations to Pakistani Prime Minister

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has congratulated Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan, following the assumption of office.
In his message, on behalf of the government and the people of Maldives, President Yameen extended warm congratulations to Imran Khan on assuming the Office of the Prime Minister of Pakistan. The president further conveyed prayers upon Almighty Allah for continued strength and wisdom to uplift the national spirit of Pakistan people for a more unified Pakistan and fulfil their aspirations for further development, progress and prosperity, as Imran Khan take on the duties and responsibilities of the position.
Moreover, the president expressed his earnest desire to work alongside Imran Khan to pursue new avenues of cooperation between the Maldives and Pakistan and expand the historical ties of friendship and brotherhood.
On conclusion, the president sent his best wishes for success and good health, as well as for the peace and welfare of the fraternal people of Pakistan.