
Shaheem calls to move forward with development

Running mate of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed has called on the public to move forward with new development ventures and support the projects initiated by the government. The running mate of the ruling party made the statement during his visit to Dhanbidhoo in Laamu Atoll, as part of the campaigning efforts to re-elect President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom to a second term in office.
Maldivians must seek lessons from past experiences and past governments, Shaheem said addressing the citizens of Dhanbidhoo, adding opportunity must be given to a leader with visionary developments. In this regard, Shaheem highlighted the development brought by President Yameen within the past five years, noting more projects are in the pipeline.
Highlighting on the poor condition Maldives was back in 2008, Shaheem said not securing a second term for President Yameen would halt the rapid development the country is experiencing. Moreover, Shaheem reiterated his call to support President Yameen, despite political differences, for the country to be further developed. Shaheem went on to note the development brought to the country proves President Yameen must be given a second term in office.
During the campaign trip, the running mate held door-to-door visits and inquired about the needs and the visions of the residents for the future.