
Dr. Junaid lauds courtesy shown towards former President Maumoon in prison

Renowned Doctor Abdulla Junaid has lauded the services provided for former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom by Maldives Correctional Service. Maldives Correctional Service set up an eye clinic in one of the consultation rooms in Maafushi Prison within 24 hours upon his request, said Dr. Junaid.
Dr. Junaid, who serves as the private doctor of former president, revealed Maldives Correctional Service has treated the former president with utmost respect and courtesy, adding normally such heavy equipment and machinery are not carried for a check-up of just one inmate. Despite the utmost courtesy extended for the former president, his lawyers have been spreading misinformation regarding the services provided while serving a jail sentence. Dr. Junaid advised to refrain from spreading such misinformation to mislead the citizens, especially as the former president is respected by many.
Moreover, on various occasions, Maldives Correctional Service has also called to refrain from spreading false rumours regarding the institution.