
Opposition always work to sabotage development: Economic Minister

Minister of Economic Development Mohamed Saeed has revealed since the announcement of the mega expansion project of Velana International Airport (VIA), the government has faced several criticism and efforts to sabotage the project by the opposition.
Former President Mohamed Nasheed and Qasim Ibrahim worked to sabotage the project while staying in UK, Economic Minister Mohamed Saeed stated speaking on a programme aired on PSM News. In this regard, Minister Saeed said the two individuals, who has fled abroad following lengthy jail sentences, has sent letters to several banks to dismiss the funds for the project.
Noting that former President Nasheed and Qasim are aware that President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom will bring the development envisioned by the citizens, the economic minister noted both of them lobbied international parties to stop aid for Maldives and to not support in the developmental agenda of President Yameen. Furthermore, the economic minister said opposition leaders only works to fulfil their political agendas and to secure the presidency rather than bringing development to the country.
The minister also said the opposition does not want Maldives to maintain its independence and sovereignty, and noted the sale of state assets while they were in power. He denounced the efforts of the opposition to defame and to halt the rapid development of the country.