
Government will always respond to criticism from the opposition: President

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has stated the government will always respond to criticism from the opposition. The government has a good track record in rapidly developing the country, which is unmatched by previous governments, President Yameen said while addressing a ceremony held in Thoddoo, as part of his current visit to Alifu Alifu Atoll, Alifu Dhaalu Atoll and Dhaalu Atoll.
The president said the public sees and appreciates the development brought inclusive of all islands and all sectors and expressed confidence the lies and rumours spread by the opposition. The president noted unlike previous governments, instead of pledging and raising the hopes of the people, the current administration has prioritised active development. He said Maldivians can today proudly respond to any criticism aimed at the government.
Noting the long-term benefits of the Sina-Male´ Bridge, President Yameen stated the bridge is a national heritage belonging to the Maldivian people. The president noted the administration has always prioritised serving the nation and its people. He especially highlighted the many milestones achieved by this administration in the education sector and underscored that over 95 percent of students completing their higher education are on government aid. Continuing on, the president noted, during the past 5 years, the government has constructed 770 classrooms, which is equivalent to 40 schools, across the country. Furthermore, the president pledged to construct a new school in Thoddoo, where there are 380 students, if he is re-elected to a second term in office.
The president noted when Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) was in power, less that USD 100,000 was spent for the development of the islands, compared to the USD 2.6 million spent by the current government. Citing the government has solved several decade-long issues faced by Maldivians, the president also pledged to construct a harbour in the island, if he secures a second term in office.
On conclusion, President Yameen said the youth must be aware of the political changes the country experiences, highlighting the youth have the outmost responsibility to shape the future and ensure continuous development is maintained in the country. On this note, he highlighted the mega projects successfully conducted by the government, including the construction of the Sina-Male’ Bridge, the Dharumavantha Hospital and the USD 1-billion expansion project conducted at Velana International Airport (VIA).
Prior to visiting Thoddoo, the president visited Dhangethi and inaugurated the harbour and clean water services. He also visited Mahibadhoo to mark the completion of road development project.