
Opposition cannot produce a well-researched manifesto: President

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom highlights leading economic development through discussions among multiple leaders would be un-energetic and slow-moving. President Abdulla Yameen made the statement addressing the special function held at Fuvahmulah City to mark the successful completion of numerous developmental projects in the island.

Referring to the speedy economic development ushered by the current administration, President Yameen stated the opposition coalition does not have an economic plan or an economic manifesto. The president said the opposition cannot produce a well-researched, thorough manifesto, addressing the needs of the people.

Noting the administration of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) endorsed colossal state budgets during their term in office, the president said if state budgets had been directed towards development, the current administration would not have had to initiate multiple projects across the country. The president stated the objective of the developmental projects conducted by the government is to make cities, such as Fuvahmulah, liveable. In this regard, the president noted previous administrations established cities without providing the necessary facilities and services. He said, the current administration aims to provide development across the country, inclusive of all sectors.

President Yameen also highlighted the efforts made by the administration to provide more job opportunities and noted that so far, the administration has provided almost 100,000 additional jobs, of which 99% is occupied by Maldivians. The president also said that 160,000 job opportunities will be introduced in the tourism sector in the coming years.

At the function, a large number of youth signed with ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM). The president said this shows the youth have accepted the efforts of the administration to empower and provide the necessary opportunities. The president stressed on the vital role of youth in bringing a positive change and said it is necessary to have a courageous youth generation for the progress of any country or community.

Furthermore, the president noted the previous two administrations have spent a combined USD 1.69 million for Fuvahmulah. However, the president noted the current administration has spent over USD 71.4 million for the development of the city.

During the ceremony, President Yameen initiated sewerage services, water services, inaugurated housing units and nature park and marked the completion of the harbour revetment project in Fuvahmulah City.
During the tour, the president also visited Hulhumeedhoo, Hithadhoo, Feydhoo Maradhoo and Maradhoo-Feydhoo in Addu City. Upon conclusion of his visit to Addu City and Fuvahmulah City, the president has now returned to the capital, Male' City.