
Elections commission clarifies vote counting procedures

The Elections Commission of Maldives has reaffirmed its commitment to uphold the provisions of the Elections General Act (2008), relevant rules and regulations governing the conduct of elections in the country. It further reiterated its commitment to be impartial, to hold free, fair and transparent elections on September 23.

In a statement, Elections Commission of Maldives provided clarification and a detailed explanation, on the legal procedures concerning the vote counting process on the day of the presidential election. The Elections Commission recalled its previous press statements, and reaffirmed that it will follow standard vote counting procedures, as used in previous elections to ensure a transparent process, and to combat fraudulent practices.

In this regard, the commission refuted all allegations made against it, and urged all parties to refrain from spreading misinformation that could undermine the integrity of the institution. In responding to the specific allegation that electronic tablets were to be used in the vote counting process, the Elections Commission explained the vote counting procedures are already set out clearly in the Elections General Act.

In a statement issued, the electoral body highlighted an official will fill out the results sheet with a pen, and the official in charge of the voting station, along with two elections officials who participated in the vote counting process will sign, and countersign the results sheet before immediately announcing it verbally at the voting station, as was done in previous elections. The results of ballot boxes will also be publicly displayed outside all voting stations, pursuant to Section 57 (a) of the Elections General Act.

The statement noted once the results are announced, only will the results be communicated to the Elections Commission officially, via the electronic tablets provided at the polling stations.

Furthermore, the Elections Commission emphasised the vote counting process will be done in full view, and in the presence of the candidates, official elections agents of the candidates, representatives of the candidates, elections observers and elections monitors approved by the commission, if present.

If none of the above are present during the vote counting process, the commission has stated the vote counting will be done in full view, and in the presence of 3 voters who are eligible to cast their votes in that particular voting station, as required by Section 55 (d) of the Elections General Act. The commission revealed each ballot paper will also be shown to those present, in the order of invalid ballots, votes for candidate number 1 and votes for candidate number 2.

In a press conference held on the same day, the Official Elections Agent of Presidential Candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Hisaan Hussain, stated the Elections Commission had given the opposition, its assurance the vote counting process will be carried out, as was done during the previous elections held in the Maldives, where votes were counted, announced and publicly displayed in all voting stations.