
President accepts defeat, hopeful for the future of the country

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has accepted defeat over opposition coalition candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

In his address to the nation, President Abdulla Yameen underscored the Maldivian people have decided on the presidency and the future of the country and highlighted he has accepted the results. Adding the past five years were the most difficult presidential term any president has to experience to nurture the country, President Yameen said he believes he has implemented the rule of law and upheld Islam.

The president touched on some of the transformational development milestones achieved during his term and expressed gratitude toward everyone who contributed to his vision. He noted that he had consistently worked toward the socio-economic growth of the nation and that he hoped to continue service to community and country.

Moreover, the president underlined the most difficult problem was the baseless defamation of citizens which he tried to alter the situation, adding he has succeeded and fixed the social fabric. Shedding light on the many issues such as sewerage, fresh water and harbour issues faced by the citizens when he assumed office, the president stated he believes he has solved many such issues.

Furthermore, the president spoke on his efforts to bring attention to the marginalised population, people with disabilities, women and elderly citizens. Continuing on, the president stated no other government believed youth to be respectable, honourable and confident citizens and assured despite all the challenges, he tried endlessly to make Maldives a better place.

Moreover, the president thanked his biggest supporter First lady Fathimath Ibrahim and his campaign team for their efforts. The president thanked all citizens who believed in him and voted in the presidential election, adding he will continue serving the country.

President Yameen also conveyed his sincere congratulations to President-Elect Ibrahim Mohamed Solih noted he would to serve until the end of the current presidential term and work to ensure a smooth transition during the interim period.