
Mahloof, Areef, Sinan, Riyaz and Nadeem freed from jail

Criminal Court of Maldives has freed some politicians who were being detained for the course of investigations into cases filed against them.

The freed detainees include former Commissioner of Police Ahmed Areef, parliamentarians Ahmed Mahloof, Mohamed Sinan, Ilham Ahmed, Abdulla Riyaz and son-in law of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom Ahmed Nadeem. They were summoned to the Criminal Court before being released.

In addition to the aforementioned individuals, former President Maumoon, his son Faris Maumoon, former Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed, former Supreme Court Judge Ali Hameed and former Judicial Administrator Hassan Saeed were summoned to the Criminal Court. However, as they are serving jail sentences, no decision was made about their detention and were taken back to prison.