
Elections Commission nullifies ppm extraordinary congress

Elections Commission of Maldives has nullified the Extraordinary National Congress held by Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) on Friday. The Elections Commission nullified the PPM Extraordinary National Congress at a meeting held today.

The congress was declared null, based on the grounds the set procedures were not followed in holding the congress, according to the commission. Therefore, the commission added it would be unable to endorse any decision made in the congress.

A former council member of PPM has filed a case with the Elections Commission stating the PPM Extraordinary National Congress was held in violation of the party charter. Meanwhile, former leader of PPM and former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has also sent a letter to Elections Commission noting his concerns about the PPM Extraordinary National Congress.

At the Extraordinary National Congress held by PPM on Friday, incumbent President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom was elected the President of the ruling party. Furthermore, four vice presidents were also elected in the congress.