
Opposition leaders file motion to intervene in the case related to presidential election

Four leaders of the joint opposition coalition have filed a motion to intervene in the case submitted to the Supreme Court of Maldives, on behalf of the presidential candidate of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, regarding the presidential election.

On behalf of the opposition leaders; former President Mohamed Nasheed, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Founder of Jumhooree Party Qasim Ibrahim and Leader of Adaalath Party Imran Abdulla, the motion to intervene was filed on October 11. However, Supreme Court has not yet announced its verdict on the motion.

While a hearing was held on the case alleging fraud in the presidential election held on September 23, Supreme Court has asked the Election Commission to provide a written explanation for the allegations and has scheduled a hearing for Sunday.

Citing numerous serious complaints received by observers, monitors and members of the general public in the immediate aftermath of the presidential election, PPM has filed to seek legal recourse. PPM expressed all complaints were filtered and examined for the authenticity by its legal experts and the matter have also been submitted to the Maldives Police Service. The ruing party claimed fraud from printing the ballot papers to the voting procedure followed on voting day as well as the counting process.

However, international observers and monitors of the presidential election have declared the presidential election free, fair and credible. Meanwhile, elections commission has denied all allegations.