
Supreme Court upholds presidential election results

Supreme Court has declared there are no grounds to nullify the 2018 Presidential Election.

The decision was reached with the consensus of the five judges on the Supreme Court bench that deliberated on the motion, filed by the presidential candidate of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) incumbent President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, to annul the presidential election.

While delivering the verdict, the Supreme Court noted the lack of evidence by the prosecution to prove their claims. The bench declared there were no grounds to call for a probe into those claims either, reminding the prosecution of the existence of due processes, if they harbour suspicions of corrupt or criminal offences being committed during the electoral process.

The prosecution accused the Elections Commission of fraud, deception and tampering with ballots and results; claims that the defendant vehemently denied. The defendants and the opposition coalition described the PPM presidential candidate's allegations as claims based on conjecture and conspiracy theories.

This Supreme Court verdict now solidifies the landslide victory of Ibrahim Mohamed Solih in the 2018 Presidential Election.