
MDP gears up for Nasheed's return to Maldives

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has revealed plans to colourfully celebrate the return of former President Mohamed Nasheed. The party has revealed supporters from across the country want the celebrations to be grand.

In this regard, revealing information about the celebratory activities, MDP said a special event will take place in Hulhule' and Male'. Moreover, the party has decided to hold a special gathering at Artificial Beach area to facilitate the former president to meet his supporters.

Addressing a press conference, Spokesperson of the party Imthiyaz Fahmy expressed while many celebrations are planned, efforts are underway to secure relevant permits from the authorities. Discussions are underway with Maldives Police Service on taking security measures, the parliamentarian further stated.

Furthermore, MDP stated a special t-shirt is being designed for the occasion, assuring to reveal further details in the coming days.

Former President Mohamed Nasheed is scheduled to return to Maldives on November 1.