
High Court overturns jail sentence on Faris

High Court of Maldives has overturned the sentence by Criminal Court on Parliamentarian Faris Maumoon regarding identity theft.

Criminal Court sentenced Faris Maumoon to 4 months and 24 days in prison for using the flag and logo of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), without permission in a press conference, after he was removed from the party. The High Court nullified the conviction unanimously with votes from all three judges presiding over the case.

In its verdict, the High Court stated the legal procedures were violated, during the hearings held at the Criminal Court, to hasten the procedure, adding some rights were also violated. The High Court ruled, for the aforementioned reasons, the verdict by Criminal Court violated the Constitution of Maldives, laws and the Criminal Procedure Code, freeing Faris Maumoon from the sentence.

Faris Maumoon was already released under bail when the High Court nullified his sentence.