
MDP expects huge turnout to welcome Nasheed

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has said it expects the largest turnout of citizens ever in Maldives to welcome former President Mohamed Nasheed when he returns to Maldives on November 1.

At a press conference, MDP expressed the day former President Nasheed returns to Maldives would see a colourful, joyous and jubilant celebration. Detailing that welcome parties would be organised both via sea and land, officials told the press the party has already opened opportunity for interested individuals to register vessels in the fleet organised to welcome the former president.

Once former President Nasheed reaches Male’ City, he would be greeted with large crowds, which would form a procession that will march to the MDP office. Nasheed will then meet and greet supporters at the artificial beach and deliver a special speech. MDP officials said all 85 constituencies of the country would be represented and would participate in welcoming the former President.

While MDP and supporters prepare for the former president’s imminent return, the Prosecutor General has appealed to the Supreme Court to review the 13 year jail sentence passed on him by the Criminal Court.