
Challenges faced in stopping illegal removal of trees: Environment Ministry

Ministry of Environment and Energy has revealed there are several challenges in impeding removal of palms and trees from islands and transfer of these to other locations.

While speaking at a press conference, Director General at Environment Ministry Mohamed Zahir stated it is not just a responsibility of the ministry, but rather a responsibility of every citizen. Zahir revealed the issue can only be solved when the mind-set of the citizens are changed and made responsible. He also added it is a responsibility of all the government authorities, rather than that of the ministry, to stop such acts.

Furthermore, Director General at Environment Protection Agency (EPA) Ibrahim Naeem revealed complaints and pictures spread on social media are mostly not true regarding the removal of trees. Ibrahim Naeem said such rumours spread on social media have created chaos, which results in trees dying due to delay in transporting them. He advised to spread news on social media responsibly.