
MDP to hold primaries in selecting candidates for parliamentary polls

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has opined the candidates representing Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) at the parliamentary elections should be determined via primaries. The remarks of the former president come amid criticism following statements that the 12 reinstated parliamentarians would be awarded party tickets, without holding primaries.

Taking to twitter, Mohamed Nasheed stated only few political parties across the world hold primaries to award party tickets to parliamentary election candidates. Drawing from past experiences, Nasheed said despite history proving that holding primaries has pros and cons, MDP will determine candidates via primaries. In his tweet, Nasheed stressed on the importance of the democratic values within the party, to run it.

Nasheed's predecessor, Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom has also stated the 12 reinstated parliamentarians would be awarded party tickets without primaries. Nasheed himself had met the 12 parliamentarians and agreed to lobby to their respective parties to ensure party tickets are awarded to them without a primary.