
Maldives marks National Day

The National Day of Maldives is celebrated as a tribute to the local resistance that drove out the Portuguese occupiers after they had seized and ruled the islands for a span of 15 years. The Portuguese arrived in 1558, killed the sultan, and took over Maldives.

However, in 1573, Muhammad Thakurufaanu and his forces took back the capital, Male’ City, in a decisive victory that effectively eliminated the Portuguese presence.

Unfortunately for the locals, the colonial era eventually again robbed them of independence. In time, the Dutch, and later the British, would take control of Maldives. It was not until July 26, 1965, Maldives finally gained its independence from the British colonial rule.

The timing of Maldives National Day is based on the Islamic calendar, which is a lunar calendar. Therefore, the date will change by about 10 days each year. However, National Day falls on the first day of Rabee-ul-Awwal.

National Day is celebrated mainly by numerous parades held throughout Maldives, the main one being in the capital city of Male. There are heavily military parades, very ceremonial in nature, and are often accompanied by flag hoisting ceremonies. In addition, stage performances, children's events, and fireworks displays also takes place in celebrations.