
MWSC opens new customer service centre

Managing Director of Maldives Water and Sewerage Company Private Limited (MWSC) Ibrahim Fazul Rasheed has stated the new customer service building will be utilised for the company's training institution and government offices. The managing director of MWSC made the remarks after officially opening the MWSC customer service centre.

However, currently only three floors have been opened for operation from the 10-storey building. The first three floors of the customer service building have now been opened for operation, while the remaining floors will be used for training purposes and as government offices, according to Fazul.

The managing director said efforts are underway to finalise the syllabus to be used in the training institute. Moreover, Fazul expressed the institute will act as an important tool to train its staff and enhance the services of MWSC. He added an auditorium that can accommodate 126 people will be developed as part of the institute.

MWSC will now provide all customer services from the newly opened centre.