
Important work would be done to preserve heritage: Minister Yumna

Minister of Arts, Culture and Heritage Yumna Maumoon has stated important work would be done under her tenure, to preserve the tangible and intangible heritage, the Maldivian nationalism and culture. The minister’s comments falls in line with the coalition government's principles of preserving heritage sites and material culture.

The priority given by the current administration to the perseveration of Maldivian heritage is seen in the formation of a separate ministry mandated with the task.

In her first interview to PSM News since swearing-in, Yumna Maumoon noted the main reason for her resignation from the former administrations' Heritage Department was the government's decision to relocate the heritage sites. Noting preserving the Maldivian identity and culture is a task which needs to be prioritised, Yumna reiterated she takes on the responsibility with great expectations. She pledged her work would include the preservation and revival of Dhivehi language as well.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has included the formulation of a list of heritage sites as one of the goals set for the president's first 100 days in office. The mandate of the Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage also include writing the history of every island and atoll, compiling the profiles of all islands, and uploading them on the specific island websites. The mandate also includes the research and study of Dhivehi dialects and documenting the findings.

The ministry is also tasked with the compilation of an all-inclusive Dhivehi language dictionary and archiving documentation related to Maldivian history, culture and traditions.