
Supreme Court stops High Court from reviewing case on former Auditor General

The Supreme Court of Maldives has stopped the High Court of Maldives from reviewing the case on the removal of Niyaz Ibrahim as the Auditor General of Maldives by amending the law. The case was submitted to the High Court by Niyaz Ibrahim, who was removed from the position of the Auditor General in 2014.

The ruling issued by the Supreme Court said reviewing of the case was barred as a related case was submitted to the top court earlier, which was rejected. Therefore, the Supreme Court noted there was no legal grounds for the case to be once more submitted to a lower court, as the top court had already made a decision on the issue.

Further, the Supreme Court also cancelled any procedures followed during the review of the case in the High Court. The order also reminded reviewing a case rejected by the top court is in defiance of the laws and regulations of the country.

Ibrahim Niyaz was removed as the Auditor General following several concerns raised by him on several acts of corruption carried out by the top brass of the former administration.