
Youth responsible to maintain religion and tradition: Home Minister

Minister of Home Affairs Imran Abdulla has stated the most worrisome challenge faced for Maldivians is the youth being badly influenced in the flow of the globalised world. The home minister made the remarks at the ceremony held to celebrate the Day Maldives Embraced Islam.

Addressing the ceremony, Home Minister Imran Abdulla said Maldivians are considered very lucky by foreigners. Speaking in this regard, the minister highlighted Maldivians are famous for the friendship and unity, along with the natural beauty of the country. He further said from the day Maldives embraced Islam, the characteristics of Maldivians further enhanced and proved to be of good behaviour.

Noting the Islamic religion and tradition were brought by the ancestors, Minister Imran said it is the responsibility of the youth to faithfully forward it to generations to come. He urged the youth not to be badly influenced in the flow of the globalised world and to maintain the religious and traditional values and principles as Maldivians,

The ceremony was attended by President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and First Lady Fazna Ahmed, in addition to Vice President Faisal Naseem along with other members of the Cabinet, members of the Parliament and senior officials of the administration.