
Police freeze close to USD 6.5 million in accounts owned by Yameen

Maldives Police Service has revealed close to USD 6.5 million in bank accounts owned by former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has been frozen.

In a statement, the police said the former president was summoned for questioning as part of the ongoing investigations regarding the cases of financial fraud and illegal transactions that have taken place during the term of his presidency. The police further noted multiple cases have been filed by several authorities against the former president.

The police service further revealed the investigators have found big sums of money have been deposited to the former president’s accounts opened in multiple banks with several transactions having taken place during his five-year term. The institution said it hope the former president will still come in for questioning, when summoned, and cooperate with the ongoing investigations.

The former president was summoned and questioned regarding a deposit of over USD 1.4 million to one of his accounts during the run-up to the presidential election. Further investigations were conducted regarding a written check of USD 1 million, written by Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC), deposited to his account.

Prior to his summon to the main headquarter of the police service, the bank accounts of the former president were frozen via a court order.