
5 out of 12 pledges completed: Attorney General's Office

Attorney General's Office has revealed 5 of the 12 pledges to be achieved under the first 100-day pledge policy of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih have been successfully achieved.

In a statement, Attorney General's Office said the five pledges already fulfilled include reviewing laws passed in favour or against certain parties and individuals, renegotiating loans and agreements that could threaten the sovereignty of the state and potentially resulting the country in debt, submitting an amendment to the Anti-Corruption Commission Act, to enforce the same sentence on the person who knowingly offers a bribe and the person who accepts a bribe, submitting a bill to ensure protection for whistle-blowers and submitting a bill to curb illicit wealth flows.

Moreover, the office highlighted the process of forming new laws and amending existing laws regarding the pledges are underway while some are nearing completion. Out of 11 laws to be amended, 10 laws have been drafted, with some have been submitted to the parliament, according to the statement.

In the statement, Attorney General's Office announced compiling additional two bills are currently underway.