
President conveys sympathies to his Indonesia counterpart

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has sent a message of sympathy to President of Indonesia Joko Widodo, following the tsunami that hit Pandeglang, Serang and South Lampung of Indonesia.

In the message, President Solih said it was with deep sorrow and dismay that he learned of the tsunami, resulting in the devastating loss of life, wounding many and causing widespread destruction to homes and infrastructure. Further, the president conveyed heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the government and the brotherly people of Indonesia. He also expressed wishes for continued acceleration and efficiency of the recovery operations underway.

The tsunami was followed by an underwater landslide believed to be caused by the erupting Anak Krakatau volcano. Search and rescue teams were rushing to dig under rubble and find people who may be trapped inside. Hundreds of homes and other buildings were heavily damaged when the tsunami struck along the rim of the Sunda Strait.

Thousands of residents were forced to evacuate to higher ground. There was no estimate on the number of missing. Authorities warned residents and tourists in coastal areas around the Sunda Strait to stay away from beaches and a high-tide warning remains in place until December 25.

Rescue workers and ambulances were finding it difficult to reach affected areas because some roads were blocked by debris from damaged houses, overturned cars and fallen trees.